A Small Sampling of Letters to and from the Ministry

A 1985 thank you letter to William for his faithfulness in bringing a worship team every Tuesday to the prison to bring the Word of God to them and what it meant.
A 2008 thank you letter about the effects of The Happy Prisoner book on his life.
A 2008 thank you from woman inmate on the difference The Happy Prisoner made in her life--both in understanding her ADD issues and in finding Jesus and hope.
A 2007 letter from a youth in juvenile justice system about his transformation.
2008 lettr from a 5x inmate who was radically changed by reading The Happy Prisoner and now knows the solution is God!
A 2009 letter to a 59 year old from William at 70 on the power of forgiveness.
Dave Armstrong of WMCA
A letter acknowledging the importance of The Happy Prisoner being in prisons and youth authorities across the nation.
Probation Community Action Association
A receipt for 2 boxes of The Happy Prisoner books for youth on probation as an example of the ministry's outreach and desire to help all ages, preferably before they are incarcerated.
A 2008 letter from an inmate in for 10 years who discovered The Happy Prisoner by accident and how his life was transformed by what he read.
A 2005 letter from an inmate who spent half his life in prison due to drug addiciton to drown pain of never fitting in. He describes the multiple ways the Happy Prisoner changed his life as he came to understand his ADD issues and found Jesus Christ.
A 2005 letter from inmate in West Valley Detention Ceter who writes details of how The Happy Prisoner changed his life in multiple ways.
July 2013. This is one of our more recent letters. Aaron is a former biker gang member transformed by Christ and living for God even in the prison system. He's written many joyful letters. In this one he shares the wonderful effects of The Happy Prisoner on a "celly" of his.
June 2013. This young man has been temporarily stuck in County Jail trying to fight his case. He found William's information in a Pact Guide there under a list of ADD helps and wrote him for a book. William's answer follows.
May 2013 - This is a letter from an ADD 31-year-old repeat-offender just getting out of French Camp prison in CA, thanking William for page 118 in The Happy Prisoner cause it changed his life and turned him around. Following is William's 2-page response.
Two letters from Sept 2011 - This man is serving 7-life for "attempted murder" of his wife while he was under the influence of prescription drugs prescribed by his doctor for depression and panic attacks. The two drugs he was given are known to have violent side effects, unknown to him when he took them. The second letter explains more about those drugs and his work to get a re-trial.. William's response to each letter follows.
This letter from Novemeber 2013 is Michael's 3rd letter to William. In this one he thanks William for the two books: the one for himself, and the one to share to start his ministry. He has already shared a book and is just beginning to read. Michael states he has been in prison most of his adult life, and is finally coming to understand the problem and is eager to change the cycle. He is studying the Bible and praying more all the time. William's letter to him follows.